
Bias is a mental issue. We are all biased in the direction of our own beliefs. Our beliefs form our perspective and our perspective determines our behaviour. Behaviour is biased in favour of our cultural beliefs.

We are taught the perspective of the culture of our society. The communal beliefs of our society determine the cultural bias that we express. We are all biased in favour of our own culture.

Bias is a state of inequality. Equality requires balance and any bias takes us out of mental & emotional balance. The belief that our society is culturally superior to any other society, breeds a state of inequality. The belief in inequality is the effect of one society believing that they are either superior or inferior to another society.

Cultural bias on a national scale is equally responsible, with religion, for being the cause of national conflict. The cultural ethics of a society, together with its religious morals, familiar principles and governmental laws; all form the collective belief system of a particular nation, race or culture.

It is the perceived inequality caused by cultural beliefs that promotes racism, because of the belief that such a bias is disadvantageous to that entire society. A cultural bias that is seen as beneficial to a society is perceived to be an advantage and not a racist issue. It is a cultural bias that is seen as a disadvantage to another society that is deemed as being racist and the cause of inequality.

Only a society that sees itself as inferior and disadvantaged can perceive itself to be the victim of racism, by seeing the beneficial bias of a superior culture as treating them as unequal. All victims need a villain to blame for being the cause of their victimhood. The perceived victims of a cultural inequality will blame the bias of another culture for causing their disadvantage and making them unequal.

It is my belief that I am inferior to another that causes my disadvantage and my belief in racism. It is easy for me to accept that I am favourably biased, yet difficult for me to accept that we are all in our own way to a certain degree racist.

The paradox of racism is that the culture that sees itself as most superior is the culture that believes itself to be the most victimised by racism. The culture that is least confident in the value and worth of its own esteem, will be the most victimised by its own racist beliefs.

Equality will be attained when we all agree that we are all equally biased and therefore all equally racist, relative to the level of esteem afforded to us by our own cultural beliefs.

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