Beware & Be Aware

I Beware what I fear.

To Be Aware is to respect.

I have respect for Life when I am aware of the potential of my Life.

I have respect for gravity when I am aware of its potential to keep me grounded.

I do not fear gravity, I fear my inability to resist falling off a cliff. I beware standing at a cliff edge.

I have respect for fire when I am aware of its potential to cook my food and keep me warm.

I do not fear fire. I fear my inability to be safe from fire. I beware of getting burned.

I have respect for wild animals when I am aware of their potential to enjoy life.

I do not fear wild animals. I fear their irrational behaviour that may harm me. I beware being attacked by an animal that I believe to be wild.

When I become Aware of what I Beware and fear, I have the awareness to change my consciousness and own a better belief about my life.

I Beware my limiting beliefs until I become Aware of my Truth.

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