Best, Better, Good

The current teaching paradigm is to take good students and make them better educated, until they become the best that they can be.

This process of educational development and training follows a path of being good, better & best.

Teachers are realising that when you try to make a bad student better, they just get worse, until they become the worst that they can be.

Coaching is successful because it works on a new and different paradigm that reverses the trend.

It takes the best that a person already is and supports their growth & development so that they improve and get better and better, until they become Good.

Coaches recognise that ‘Good’ is a measure of the best that we can be, because everyone has the potential to be Good.

A Good Coach knows that their client already is the best that they can be, under their present circumstances, and also recognises their potential for improvement and their ability to get better & better in order to realise their Goodness.

Coaching takes the positives and develops the potential of their best aspects.

Education looks at the negatives of what the student doesn’t have and tries to change them for the better with a positive education.

The Trainer takes good potential, makes it better until it becomes the best it can be.

The Coach then takes the best you can be, makes it better & better until it is really Good.

Teaching & training tries to turn bad into good.

Coaching recognises everything that is Good.

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