Benevolent Co-operation

Benevolent C0-operation is the essence of good team-work.

Co-operation is the state of working together as a team.

Benevolent is the state of being that I am experiencing when doing it well.

Benevolence is positive power, often confused with charity.

I give charity from an ego that is judged to be good.

I co-operate with others because we share the same positive power that is aligned on a similar path.

Co-operation requires a common vision.

Benevolence requires a common purpose or reason for co-operating.

I am good and empowered on a mutually agreed path with others.

Any attachment to the path or need to follow others will compromise the benevolence of my co-operation.

When I co-operate through need, it is never benevolent.

A Productive Team chooses to work together in Benevolent Co-operation.


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