
Beingness is the natural state of Consciousness.

Three dimensional physical reality allows Consciousness to ‘have’ and to ‘do’ as well as to ‘Be’.

My Beingness individuates me as a Human Being.

As a human Being, I have the choice and the opportunity to choose my state of Being.

The state of my Beingness determines who I am Being.

My beliefs concerning what I have and what I do determine my state of Beingness.

Knowing my emotional state of Being requires an awareness of my Consciousness and a conscious-awareness of my Self.

It is the Soul’s intention to expand its Beingness through its Self.

Expanding Beingness expands Consciousness.

Consciousness seeks an expanded awareness of who it is, who it is Being, its Beingness.

A three dimensional physical world is one contextual reality that allows that potential to be realised.

4 Replies to “Beingness”

  1. I understand what you are saying about how Consciousness is the result of adding the abilities of our human form to our soul’s beingness and connection to the awareness of ourselves.
    What is it that we are to do with this understanding? How does this change the choices we are to make?
    I see that your choice is to express this understanding online with the apparent intention to help others reach a common level of awareness of these truths.
    Once we have all found this knowledge and embraced it into our lives (imagine that there is no one left to teach), what ultimate result do we intend to create?

  2. Consciousness is both the result and the intention, the creator and the creation, the cause and the effect. From the perspective of the self, I can see only the result, the creation, the effect. My Soul sees the whole picture that is why I follow the path of my Soul rather than the choices of my ego self.

  3. What would your description be of the picture seen by the all seeing soul?
    I seek to contribute to the definition of future intention. I strive for a way to bring all selves into union to create a conscious universe.
    Can you help or are you too busy avoiding the dangers of ego driven choices?

  4. Your vision for your life is one important part of the big picture seen by the all seeing soul.
    The service of a Life Coach is very beneficial and often essential in avoiding the dangers of our ego driven choices and connecting with our unique and individual vision for our own life.

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