Being Vulnerable

When Being Vulnerable is being susceptible to pain and suffering, I believe that I need protection in order to be safe.

I believe that in order to be safe, I need to be protected from my vulnerability.

When I need protection from my vulnerability, I am seen as weak, meek and helpless.

When others see me as vulnerable, they believe that I will be manipulated, persuaded and tempted by others to my detriment and therefore must be protected for my own good.

I am vulnerable to the beliefs of well-meaning people who see me as vulnerable.

Being vulnerable has a gender opposite of being strong, assertive and resistant.

It has a polarity opposite of being safe, secure and protected.

Being invulnerable is not seen as an option in our dual reality world and therefore exists only in the fiction of our super-heroes.

Once I discover my Inner Vulnerability and connect to my In-vulnerability, I am able to break out of the protective cage of my programmed beliefs and become vulnerable to my invulnerability.

Once I surrender  and become vulnerable to my opportunities in life, I know that I am fully protected and securely on my chosen path.

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