Being Vital

Being Vital is being consciously awake, alert & aware.

It is being in three minds:

Being consciously awake
Being sub-consciously alert
Being super-consciously aware

It is vital that I use my full consciousness.

My conscious mind is awake to the physical world with my five physical senses.

My sub-conscious mind is alert to the physical world with my sense of instinct.

My super-conscious mind is aware of the physical world through my three intuitive senses.

When I am asleep, I become unconscious to the physical world and awake to my spiritual world of dreams, which I may or may not be aware of when I awaken from my sleep.

Even when asleep my sub-conscious mind is alert and will instinctively awaken me for reasons that I may not be aware of consciously.

Being vital is being consciously awakened to my instinctive alertness and my intuitive awareness whilst experiencing being both consciously awake & unconsciously asleep.

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