Being Unfulfilled

I cannot be happy whilst remaining unfulfilled.

A fulfilling life is full of achievements, accomplishments & attainments.

  • Achievements require mental capacity or know how
  • Accomplishments require physical skill or capability
  • Attainments require emotional attributes or competence

I feel unfulfilled when I do not achieve what I want to achieve and I haven’t accomplished what I want to accomplish. This is a false sense of being unfulfilled, which is really a feeling of failure. When I believe that success or failure is just about what I achieve or what I accomplish, I will remain being unfulfilled. I may feel satisfied with my achievements & accomplishments but this is a false contentment without the attainment of fulfilment.

  • When I achieve an objective, I need another objective to achieve
  • When I accomplish a level of skill or professional status, I need to accomplish the next level of recognition & acknowledgment
  • When I attain the true value of being fulfilled, it becomes an experience of choice

I am motivated to achieve & accomplish whatever meets my emotional needs. This has a perceived value but not a true value. Only what I emotionally attain in life has true value for my Self.

My self-worth is the value of the emotional attributes that I have attained. With the awareness of attaining the quality emotional attribute of fulfilment, I am worthy of attaining the feeling of being fulfilled that I am attributing to my Self.

Other people may hold me in their esteem for my achievements and my accomplishments but this is a false sense of confidence. My self-esteem is relative to my own self-confidence & self-worth, which I experience with the awareness of the value of my choice of personally attributable emotional attainments.

It is not possible to be truly happy and be unfulfilled. The sense of achievement & accomplishment that pleases others will temporarily ease my pain but will not succeed in fulfilling my own reason, meaning & purpose for being successful.

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