Being Unemotional

Being Unemotional is technically an oxymoron.

It is not possible to be without emotion because we are all emotional creatures.

Being unemotional means being unaware of one’s emotional state of being.

Being emotional or aware of one’s emotional state of being has a polarity opposite of being unemotional.

Being emotional also has a gender opposite of being rational.

For this reason, being unemotional and being rational are often confused and seen as the same thing.

They are both male attributes that have different polarities.

Being rational is usually seen as a positive attribute, whereas being unemotional can be seen as emotionally disconnected and negative once we understand the benefits of emotional awareness and emotional intelligence.

Unemotional people have learned to manage or to contain their emotions, which are alternative terms for suppressing their emotions.

Whether we are managing, containing or suppressing our emotions, we are not expressing them and therefore not living life with purpose.

When emotion becomes contained and suppressed, the only emotion that is ever expressed will be negative.

It is not possible to be unemotional and to be emotionally intelligent.

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