Being Unconditionally Accepting

Being Unconditionally Accepting requires me to be unconditionally approving and unconditionally allowing.

Being unconditionally allowing means that there are no conditions under which I disallow whatever is occurring in my life.

Whatever I am tolerating in my life is a problem, which is unacceptable, so I disallow it. Disallowing a problem focuses on the problem and promotes it as a condition. Conditions are always a problem.

When I see whatever is occurring in my life as an opportunity, I never consider the conditions under which it is present, as it just feels right. When something feels right, I do not resist it, I allow it and when something feels good, it has my approval.

Physical life presents me with conditions. Being physical is a condition of experiencing physical life. Whenever I am using one of my five physical senses, I am sensing the condition of whatever is being presented to me as my reality and as my experience.

When something looks good, feels good, sounds good, tastes good or smells good, I find it acceptable, I approve of it and allow it to remain in my presence.

When something looks bad, sounds bad, feels bad, smells bad or tastes bad, it has my disapproval and I disallow it because I find it unacceptable.

My five physical senses are how I discern what is good or bad, acceptable or unacceptable, tolerable or intolerable for me.

Unconditional acceptance may never be attained using my five physical senses. The duality of physicality means that somethings will always be unacceptable.

When I try to accept what I find unacceptable, I will tolerate it to please others. I disapprove of something because in some way it does not feel good. That feeling is intuitive, not physical. It is my intuitive sense of feeling that allows life to be acceptable to me.

When something feels intuitively good, I unconditionally accept it because I know it is an opportunity for me. I never decline an opportunity unless I see an opportunity as a problem. When I see that an opportunity has a problem, then I see it as a problem, not as an opportunity. I never tolerate an opportunity, I always accept it.

I approve of every opportunity because it feels good. My good feeling is an expression of my approval.

I allow every opportunity when I know it is right for me. Knowing what is right for me is an intuitive sense of knowing. When I intuitively know what is right for me, it is because my intuition can never be wrong.

I never disallow what I believe to be right for me. I always allow what I know to be right for me. When my intuitive knowing is in alignment with my personal beliefs, there is no opposition or resistance to my choice being allowed. When I allow my intuitive choice to materialise, I am standing in my true authority and approving of my own personal creative power.

When aligned with my true power & authority, unconditional acceptance is enabled. When truly empowered, I offer no disapproval of whatever is occurring. When truly inspired, there is no reason to disallow whatever is imminently manifesting.

When something feels intuitively good, I unconditionally approve. When I know something to be intuitively right, I unconditionally allow it. When I intuitively see my destiny unfolding before me, I unconditionally accept it.

I can only intuitively see what I know to be true to my path because it feels good. When my three intuitive senses of seeing, knowing & feeling are working in harmony, I am being allowing, approving & accepting of whatever is occurring and offering no conditions.

Unconditional acceptance allows my expression of pure gratitude & appreciation. Gratitude & appreciation are therefore expressions of my unconditional acceptance of the opportunities unfolding in my life.

Life is the experience through which opportunities unfold. My ingratitude and my inability to show my appreciation, both disallow any opportunity for growth because my disapproval is unacceptable. I cannot accept something of which, I do not approve.

When I disapprove and find something unacceptable, it doesn’t disallow it from my experience, it disallows it as an opportunity, so it becomes the experience of a challenging problem.

Unconditional acceptance is never a problem when I unconditionally accept everything in my life as an opportunity for growth & learning. Before I can accept every opportunity, I first have to accept the challenge to become problem-free and see everything in my life as a potential opportunity.

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