Being the Vibrational Equivalent of my Desires

Being the vibrational equivalent of my desires is the essence of my ability to manifest them.

I cannot manifest into my reality that which I am not the vibrational equivalent of.

Being the vibrational equivalent of my desires allows them to manifest into my reality.

Thought is only creative when it has creative power.

For a thought to be creative it requires my Soul’s authority.

A thought without power and authority is just an idle wish.

When I choose what my Soul chooses for my Self, it is authorised by my Soul and has my Soul’s power to manifest it into my reality.

When I am in alignment with my Soul’s choice, I am resonating in harmony with the frequency of my Soul’s authority. This connects me to my Soul’s power and puts me on the same wavelength as my Soul.

Resonating at the same frequency and wavelength as my Soul, I am the vibrational equivalent of my Soul and have the ability to manifest my Soul’s desire into my physical reality.

Being the vibrational equivalent of my ego’s desire will bring me waiting, disappointment and wanting.

Without my Soul’s authority, I am without my Soul’s power, and the wants of my ego will need will power and determination to obtain them.

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