Being Subordinate

Being Subordinate is allowing other people to make my choices for me.

I am subordinate to another’s choice of authority.

It is the result of my belief that other people know better than I.

I choose a leader to follow and to be subordinate to.

I endure a lower status in a hierarchy because I believe that is my place.

I choose to follow a leader who appears to have what I believe that I want.

I am subordinate to their leadership when I believe that they will get me what I want.

Being insubordinate is wilfully disobeying the direction of a higher authority.

It is the resistance I express when having to follow someone else’s path.

Resisting another’s path is not my choice.

Following another’s path is not my choice either.

When I allow all others to follow their path, I am allowed to follow my own path and to lead an ordinate life.

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