Being Spiritually Focused

Being Spiritually Focused connects me to Source Energy.

When I am physically focused, I am disconnected from Source energy, as my attention is concentrated. Paying attention to the authority of others, concentrates my mental energy and disconnects my emotional power.

When spiritually focused, I am a three part spiritual Being with a physical body, a mental mind and an emotional heart; experiencing expansive growth.

Being spiritually focused puts me in the Zone as I am connected to all aspects of my Self.

When I am ‘in the gap’, I am emotionally aware of being centred in my space. My space contains the emotional power of my magnetic aura.

When I am ‘in the now’, I am mentally mindful that I am grounded in my time. My time synchronises with the gravity of my own authority of choice.

When I am ‘in the flow’, I am physically unrestricted and genuinely free. My personal reality is electric and currently flows through me with authentic ability.

In my mental authority and my emotional power, I attain my physical ability and I am spiritually enabled.

In the gap of space, the now of time and the flow of reality, I am in my spiritual zone.

When I am emotionally centred, mentally grounded and physically unrestricted, I connect with my spiritual focus.

When I am emotionally aware, mentally mindful and physically free, I am spiritually focused.

Conscious, mindful, awareness puts me in my spiritual zone of being in the flow, in the now and in the gap. I am realising the spiritual nature of my time-space-reality when I am being spiritually focused.

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