Being Silly

Being Silly originally meant being blessed.

It derives from an Old English word ‘Saelig’ meaning blessed.

It has a phonetic variant of ‘Seely’, which means ‘intuitively seeing’ or ‘of the soul’.

A Seely person sees intuitively through the eyes of their soul.

In our modern-day world of logical, rational thinking, being seely is seen as being silly.

Blessed people are seen as a blessed nuisance.

Being emotional or non rational is seen as being irrational or silly.

Intuitive thinking has become counter-intuitive.

Anyone who does not think in a logical, rational and scientifically provable way is being silly.

The truth is that we have lost our sensitive and emotional connection to life, which is really silly.

Science has denounced its philosophical origins, and become a modern curse of the safe & the mundane.

Spirituality is still seely and a modern blessing of beauty & miracles.


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