Being Self-Conscious

Being Self-Conscious is being unaware of my True Identity.

The more conscious I become of my ego sense of Self, the more unaware I become of my True Self.

Self-Conscious people lack self-awareness.

I am conscious of my physical Self. I am aware of my spiritual Self.

Self-conscious people are aware that their personality and character is not who they really are, yet they are unaware of who they really are.

It is impossible to be consciously self-aware, aware of my True Self, and to be self-conscious.

With conscious-awareness, I am aware of my True Source of Power and its potential.

Being self-conscious, I am embarrassed by the potential of the Power of my True Self.

With self-awareness I become aware of the true authority of my choices.

Without self-awareness, I am shy of other people’s authority and advice.

I am Conscious of my Self.

My Soul is fully Aware of my Self.

“Am I fully aware of my Soul”?

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