Being Satisfied

Being Satisfied allows me to be comfortable.

When I am comfortable, I am pleased and being pleased satisfies me.

I am satisfied when my physical senses feedback positive information.

When I am negatively informed, I find it unsatisfactory and I am displeased.

When my physical senses are sated, I am satisfied.

When my physical needs are taken care of, I am satisfied.

When my standards are achieved and my boundaries acknowledged, I am satisfied.

Having needs or being needy is not satisfactory for me.

When whatever I see, hear, taste, smell & touch is satisfactory, I am satisfied.

With enough mental knowing, I am fulfilled; with enough emotional feeling, I am joyful; and with enough intuitive seeing, I am content.

My contentment, fulfilment & joy are a measure of my Happiness.

I may be satisfied with my external world but it will never make me happy.

Being Happy comes from within.

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