Being Rude

Being Rude is not a state of being.

It is not a personal attribute.

It is an objective criticism & judgment of another.

I never judge myself to be rude.

Rudeness is an alleged lack of manners, which conflicts with another’s boundaries.

It is behaving in a manner that another finds unacceptable.

My manners are my standards of behaviour that have been given to me by other people.

I learn to behave in a manner that is acceptable to the people in my class of society.

I have been taught the principles of my family, the morals of my church, the ethics of my teachers, and the laws of my governors.

These constitute the rules of my society and determine the manners with which I behave and the manner in which I misbehave.

When I renounce the standards & boundaries, which have been given to me by others, in favour of my own core beliefs, I overcome the judgement and the conviction of others that I am being rude.

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