Being Positively Aware

Being Positively Aware is an emotional state of being, not a mental capacity. It is the state of being aware that my emotional power feels positively competent.

My positive emotional power allows my Self to move forward in a beneficial direction, with intuitive certainty and complete competence.

I am conscious of my mental capacity to intuitively know with certainty.

I am aware of what I emotionally feel to be intuitively certain.

It is my intuition that allows my faith in my certainty. It is my certainty that allows me to faithfully proceed in a positive way. It is my positivity that empowers my action and allows the benefit to be realised.

It is my conscious-awareness that both authorises and empowers my positive perspective. It is my positive perception of how I am feeling that empowers my positive perspective of what is beneficial for my Self.

It is not my perspective that empowers my feelings but my perception of how well I am feeling that empowers my perspective.

When I have a positive thought, it is an empowered inspiration, which is always certainly beneficial. Trying to think positively to have a positive perspective is trying to find the best solution to my problem, which may or may not be the best way forward for me.

Whenever I have a problem, I am positively unaware of the opportunity that is currently being presented in my life. The problem is that being positively unaware is an oxymoron. Being unaware is always a negative state of being. It may not feel detrimental but it is without the positive benefit of my emotional awareness.

Awareness is an emotional perception that is always a positive benefit. Being aware of my negative emotional attributes is a positive opportunity to change my state of being to a higher attainment.

Being without emotional awareness is always a problem. A problem is always a positive situation that is being experienced from a negative perspective. A positive situation that is perceived from a positive perspective is called an opportunity.

When I am challenged by a present situation, I am being challenged to see the situation from the positive perspective of an opportunity rather than the negative perspective of a problem.

Unless I can see the positive benefit of a situation, it is not an opportunity and I am confronted by the negative challenge of overcoming a problem.

In the absence of a clear opportunity, the best choice is to refuse the challenge and avoid the problem. When life is not appearing to offer me an opportunity that feels good, why would I accept it willingly?

When I am positively aware of feeling good, an opportunity is currently being presented and I see no problem, so I take it. Feeling good empowers my ability to make choices and take action in a beneficial way.

Suppressing my good feelings with a fear or a false belief is due to my unawareness of my empowered authority. Unaware of my source of empowered authority, I am only conscious of the risks & dangers that are programmed into my sub-conscious mind. Being unaware of my sub-conscious beliefs and programmes is always the cause of my negative choices. Consciously-aware of my false beliefs, I would never make a negative choice for my Self.

Becoming aware of my sub-conscious limiting beliefs, which sponsor my fears, is the pathway to positive thinking. I cannot think positively with negative beliefs & programmes, nor can I perceive a positive situation from a disempowered negative emotional state of being. When I perceive my emotional power to be low, my mental perspective will be negative by default.

A negative programme is a course of action based on conflicting false beliefs. Only by becoming aware of my sub-conscious beliefs can I love them and own them or hate them and change them. Being consciously-aware of a limiting belief, which is sponsoring my fear, I can confront it, challenge it and change it for a belief which serves me better. A better belief is one that I intuitively know will serve me well because it feels good & right for me.

Unless I become positively aware of my negative sub-conscious programmes, they will always project apparent problems into my life path. Only when I run sub-consciously on positive beliefs will I flow in a positive direction with empowered inspiration. A positive direction is one that I consciously believe to be right for me because it feels positively good.

With positive awareness, I am conscious of my negative thinking, which allows me the opportunity to challenge and change the beliefs, which are sponsoring the negative polarity of my thinking. Challenging, changing & owning my beliefs is the way to alter my perspective from being negative to serving me in a positively beneficial way.

My positive perspective is founded on my certain faith that I own my beliefs because of my perception of feeling good about them.

Being positively aware is having a clear perspective, a clear faith, a clear vision and a clear sense of intuitive feeling for what is beneficial & good for me. Being positively aware, I am certain that what intuitively feels good for me, is good for me.

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