Being Politically Correct

Being Politically Correct is trying to please everyone.

Politicians seek to do the right thing.

To do the right thing, we have to please everyone by doing what everyone believes to be right.

Politicians are skilled in the art of getting the public to buy into what they want.

Once the public has bought into their ideas, they can present their ideas as what the public wants.

It is politically correct to do what the public wants.

Unfortuneately the general public generally wants different things.

Trying to please all the people all the time is not possible.

Trying to please some of the people some of the time is not politically correct because it displeases others.

Trying to please one’s self as a politician always leads to appearing greedy, superior and insensitive to others.

Trying to please anyone is never a good strategy.

Autocratic Dictatorships do not try and please anyone, which is why, when they are presented as Democratic Leadership, they are accepted as politically correct.

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