Being Oversensitive

Being Oversensitive is my inability to manage my feelings about someone else’s emotional state of being.

When I am too sensitive, I am being adversely affected by another’s emotional state of being.

Over sensitivity is the effect of being too emotionally attached to another person.

My sub-conscious beliefs create my emotional needs that sensitively attach me to someone else.

My sensitivity is my awareness of someone else’s emotional state of being.

My insensitivity is my lack of awareness of someone else’s emotional state of being.

My oversensitivity is my inability to remain detached from someone else’s emotional dramas.

I am pulled into being involved in another’s drama when I am over-sensitively attached to them.

Being attached to another person’s emotional dramas will always take me out of my own emotional control.

Disconnecting emotionally and becoming insensitive to others will not alow my own dramas to be realised.

Being sensitively aware of other people’s dramas is how I recognise my own attachments to life.

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