Being Out of the Box

Being Out of the Box requires an understanding of what constitutes the box.

The ‘box’ is a 3 dimensional reality created by 2 dimensional thinking.

Not to be confused with a television ‘box’, which is a 3 dimensional reality projected onto a 2 dimensional screen.

The 2 dimensional thinking that creates my box is called relative duality, which has opposing dual realities that are relative to each other.

Two dimensional thinking puts me here or there, now or then in the past or the future and always gives me a choice that is either right or wrong, good or bad, and positive or negative for my self.

The two opposing realities that allow my choice are the two dimensions of my thinking that create the box in which I am imprisoned.

The illusion of this three dimensional world is that it appears to have 3 physical dimensions although our mental process of thinking only defines the boundaries of two dimensions of reality.

Two dimensional reality always allows choice, even when one option is to not choose.

To be outside of my box requires my three dimensional thinking that creates a four dimensional reality.

Being out of the box requires me to overcome the dual reality existence of three dimensional physical life.

The third choice allows a 3rd Way and opens the portal from the 3rd to the 4th Dimension of Reality.

Once I realise that I have created my own box, I am able to take a new perspective of my box from the outside.

Being out of the box requires detachment from the beliefs that created the box.

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