Being Open

Being Open requires the attainment of Open-ness.

The attribute of being Open requires the attainment of an open Heart, an open Mind & an open Soul.

Being Open is a state of being that is never closed to opportunity & possibility.

It is attained by overcoming the duality of being open or closed.

It is being ‘overt’ to life, having overcome the personality attachments that characterise me as either introvert or extrovert.

The first commandment of Jesus is: “Be Open”.

When I love the Lord my God with all my Heart, all my Mind, all my Soul and all my Strength, I am being Open.

Being Open requires the eyes that cannot see and the ears that cannot hear, to be open.

My strength of being Open is my degree of connection to my Happiness & Well-being.

Being Happy & Well ensures that I am always open to the opportunity that life has for me.

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