Being Nervous

When I am being nervous, I am connecting to my power without being in alignment with my authority.

In alignment with my authority, I am excited, not nervous.

Being nervous is the result of a worry, a fear, or a false belief.

Nerves turn my power negative and allow me to realise the fear that I believe will befall me.

Being nervous is not a warning or an alarm that something will go wrong.

It is an opportunity to become conscious of the limiting beliefs that are creating the anxiety, fear or nervousness.

Nerves signal the awareness of a learning opportunity.

However, when my emotional power is low and my perspective is negative, I will perceive my nervousness to be a warning of impending disaster.

When I focus on being nervous, my fears are realised and I create my own disaster.

When I focus on the learning opportunity, I realise that being nervous is just an opportunity to get excited about my life.

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