Being Mistaken

Being Mistaken is feeling a negative thought as a negative emotion.

When I feel a negative emotion that has been created by a negative belief, I am mistaken.

A negative thought is created by a belief that is not in alignment with my Soul.

A positive thought is created by my ego Self wanting what it is choosing.

A True Thought is in alignment with my Soul’s Intention for my Self and is always accompanied by a positive feeling.

A Truth is a belief that I share with my Soul.

A negative belief, even though I may believe it to be true, with lead me on a different path to my Soul’s choice and intention for my Self.

When I am confronted by a negative belief that is a limiting belief, it will stop me following my intended Path.

When I interpret a negative emotion as my Inner Guidance telling me not to do what I am choosing to do, I am mistaken.

My Inner Guidance never says ‘no’, never guides me on a negative path, and is never mistaken.

It is never wise to follow any path with a mistaken belief.

Once I have challenged all my limiting beliefs and know that all my beliefs are my Truth, I will always be aligned with my Soul and I will never be mistaken.

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