Being Irrational

All negative thinking is Irrational.

Negative thinking creates irrational behaviour.

Rationalising negative behaviour doesn’t make it rational.

Being rational means rating my conscious choices on a spectrum between most beneficial and most detrimental.

Rational thinkers analyse situations and rate all the available options in preferential order to arrive at a ‘best solution’.

Irrational thinkers default to someone else’s best solution, which is never the best solution for them.

Irrational thinkers choose negative solutions because they are unable to rationalise a situation in a positive way.

Whether a solution is positive or negative is just a matter of perspective and is a subjective view based on the experience of the experiencer.

Being emotional is not irrational, although a rational thinker may believe it to be so.

Rational thinkers may confuse being irrational with being emotional, unless they have a distinction between the two.

We cannot know the true choice and direction of another soul. Deciding for another what is positive or negative, rational behaviour or irrational behaviour,  is always counter-productive.

Other people Being Irrational is just a personal judgment based on a subjective observation of what is occurring, which lacks credibility when the observer is disconnected from their own emotional intelligence.

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