Being Indebted

Being Indebted is being in debt.

Being indebted to someone is being emotionally in debt.

I am indebted to someone who meets my emotional needs.

Being emotionally in debt is being emotionally dependent and emotionally needy.

The debt that I owe someone emotionally can only be repaid by meeting their emotional needs for them.

Co-dependent relationships are indebted to each other for what they give, receive and owe each other emotionally.

I cannot pay in money, my emotional debts.

Money will never meet every emotional need.

Once I am no longer in emotional debt, I am empowered with life and I never need to be indebted to anyone again.

I can choose to be in gratitude and in appreciation for the joy of Life that I am able to share with all others.

I am free to express my true power, my true authority and my true nature.

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