Being Inclusive

Being inclusive is making the same choices and living in the same reality as another.

It is following the same authority as others, so as to be like others and liked by others.

Inclusive people have the same standards and live by the same morals, ethics, principles and rules.

I include people who are like me and follow the same authority as me.

I include other people who follow my authority and I include myself with other people who follow the same authority as me.

When many people are being inclusive of the same authority, their power becomes exponentially greater, as the power of the group is used to meet the needs of the group.

I include myself within a group because the group meets my need for emotional power. The group is more powerful than an individual and therefore more able to meet my emotional needs.

When I am incusively-connected to my power, I am getting my needs met by a group of other people.

When I am Exclusively-Connected, I connect to my True Power & Authority, which is the Ability of my Soul.

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