Being Immune

Being Immune requires being exempt from duty or obligation.

An obligation to fulfil a duty is a toleration that I have to, ought to, must or should do. A duty is a tax because tolerating what I am doing taxes and drains my emotional energy. When I am toleration & problem free, I am being immune. I am exempt from the problems of other people’s negative beliefs and mental influences.

Influenza is the affect of my attachment to other people’s viral beliefs and mental influences. It is caused by my belief in the reality of their dramas and traumas.

I am being immune to influenza when I am no longer tolerating the taxing duty of following other people’s negative authority. When I am positively flowing freely in my own authority, I no longer suffer the influence or influenza of other people’s negative beliefs.

A pandemic is caused by the viral belief that we are all under attack from a detrimental and lethal virus. When a negative belief goes viral and I believe it is my duty to conform to that viral belief, I come under the negative influence of a new strain of influenza virus.

When I challenge and change the belief that I am personally under attack and at risk of dying from a deadly disease, my natural immunity is enabled. I have no duty or obligation to the fearful negative perspective of other people’s influence.

When I unconditionally accept the beneficial evidence of my own self maintaining, healthy, healing ability; my wellbeing is ensured and positively enabled.

Being immune is my exemption from the traumatic experience of other people’s detrimental beliefs & fears, which are influencing the events of their negative dramas.

Being immune requires an awareness of the emotional intelligence of my own sensitive detachment from other people’s traumatic dramas.

Being Immune, I’m one with my own truth; not aligned with the reality of other people’s perspective of their truth.

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