Being Idle

Being Idle is a state of mind not a state of being.

Being idle is the judgment of an active mind that needs to accomplish and achieve.

A mind that gains its power from the success of accomplishment, sees non-achievement as failure.

Being idle is seen as failing to achieve, which will drain one’s emotional energy reserves.

Being idle will result in the boredom of doing nothing, which is seen as laziness.

Being idle will result in failing to do what I have to do, which is my fate.

Not being idle will ensure that I work hard to achieve everything that I want and need in life.

Working hard will ensure that I do not fail in life.

Whether I am being idle or working hard, succeeding or failing, being  active or boringly lazy, my life is not effortless.

Effortlessness is a State of Being that allows me to flow effortlessly through life with the full ability of my power and authority.

Effortlessness is my idyll and my ideal, yet I am never idle.

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