Being Human

Being Human is a state of being.

In fact it is many states of being because being Human allows personal choice.

Personal choice allows multiple options.

I have a choice of who I choose to be as well as what I choose to do and the role that I choose to play.

Some options are human, some options are less than human – sub-human, and some options are super-human.

Super-human states of being are divine states of being.

Many human states of being are less than divine.

Some human states of being are inhumane.

What makes a state of being divine is its purity.

The purity of a state of being is determined by its wholeness or the absence of a gender or a polarity.

Impure states of being are divided by either gender or polarity or both.

Some impure states of being are sub-human and some are even inhumane.

What makes human beings human is the ability to consciously choose their emotional state of being.

This is Man’s exclusive choice or Man’s dominion over other animals.


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