Being Healthy

In actuality, we do not die from any disease but from the inability to heal our disease.

The only person that can heal our disease is our Self. The only person who can stop our self-healing is our Self. Everyone is a self-healing organism, when we allow ourself to heal.

Becoming ill is a perspective of living in a toxic world. The belief is that this toxic world can make me ill and also kill me. When I get sick, I believe that I need a doctor to cure me; or I will die.

When I faithfully know that I am able to healthily detox my own body, I no longer need a doctor to cure me.

Detoxing the body of toxins starts with detoxing the mind of toxic thinking , caused by toxic beliefs. Being healthy requires the detoxification of every belief about being unhealthy. A healthy perspective has no thought of illness and a well perspective has no thoughts of being unwell.

Wellbeing requires a healthy mind that guides & supports a healthy body with healthy emotions.

There are a wealth of wise thoughts that allow my good health to flow effortlessly through me. There is also a dearth of negative thinking that blocks my healthy experience of life. When I believe that a virus or a bacterium can kill me, then that may become my experience. When I believe that a doctor cannot cure me then that is exactly my experience.

Personal experience aligns with personal beliefs, not personal truth. My belief is not always aligned with my actual truth. My truth is that I am a self-healing organism. When my belief is that I need a doctor to cure me, I am blocking my own ability to self-heal.

In actuality, my fears are always the cause of my unwanted death. In reality, I can die of COVID-19. In truth, I die of my inability to heal my Self. My beliefs or fears always cause my experience of life and my experience of death. I cause my own reality in alignment with my beliefs. My beliefs determine my behaviour, which determines my experience of reality and endorses my beliefs.

Toxic beliefs cause a toxic experience of reality. Only my truth allows a true experience to be realised in my life.

Being healthy requires that I believe that I am healthy, I believe that my body is able to maintain good health and I believe that my healthy mind enables my body to maintain its natural health and for me to feel healthy and well. When I believe that I am well, I am and when I believe that I am healthy, I am and this is my experience in life.

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