Being Healthy

Looking for a cure for illness will never make me Healthy.

I cannot cure my illness.

I can only change the state of mind that created it.

Focusing on my illness will only ever attract more of the same. (Law of Attraction).

Moving from being ill to Being Healthy requires a wealth of gratitude and the wisdom of appreciation.

I cannot be in gratitude and appreciation for my illness.

I can be in gratitude for the experience of feeling better.

I can be in appreciation of my journey towards becoming Healthy.

It is my negative beliefs and fears that need to be cured, including my belief that I am ill.

Being Healthy is beyond the duality of illness & wellness, sickness and healthiness, well-being & unwellness.

These are all self-created choices that no longer serve my Self.

My Ability to be Physically Healthy requires the Wisdom of my Mental Authority & the Power of my Emotional Wealth.

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