Being Good

Being kind, caring and considerate to others is seen as Being Good, but it is not Divine.

What is good for me is what I want and desire.

I choose to be good because being good is good for me and that is what I want.

Being kind to others allows others to be kind to me but I don’t need others to be kind to me nor do I need others to be unkind to me.

I choose to be neither kind nor unkind, but ‘Allowing’ of what all others have and choose for their self.

Being caring to others allows others to be caring to me, but I don’t need others to be caring to me nor do I need others to be uncaring to me.

I choose to be neither caring nor uncaring, I choose to be ‘Approving’ of who all others choose to be.

Being considerate to others allows others to be considerate to me, but I don’t need others to be considerate to me nor do I need others to be inconsiderate to me.

I choose to be neither considerate nor inconsiderate, I choose to be ‘Accepting’ of what others choose to do their self and of the path that they choose to follow.

Being Accepting, Approving & Allowing is the Attainment of Goodness, which is what I want for me.

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