Being Employed

Being employed is being used.

It is being used to complete a task or an objective.

My employer is the person who manages me to do the task or achieve the objective that I am being employed to complete.

Being employed means that I am useful to the employer.

Useless employees do not manage to complete tasks or objectives to a satisfactory standard. They are not useful.

An employer employs people to carry out useful tasks and objectives.

Companies and businesses do not employ people. People do.

People employ people to fulfil useful employment.

People who employ people are the representatives of the company called Managers.

Companies and businesses do not employ Managers. People do.

The people who employ Managers are called Directors.

The Directors of Companies and Businesses employ Managers to manage the people who are employed to carry out the tasks and the objectives that are required to achieve the vision and the purpose of that company or business.

I cannot be employed to do a job without being used to do tasks and achieve objectives.

Whether I manage to be useful or I manage to be useless will determine the effectiveness of my employment.

An untrained and unmotivated employee is useless.

Motivation and training are both management responsibilities and skills.

Well trained and well motivated managers employ well trained and well motivated employees.

Motivation gives me the power and training gives me the ability to carry out the authority and the choice of the company within which I am being employed.

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