Being Considerate

Being Considerate is acting in a beneficial way having considered what is best for other people.

Being kind and considerate is giving others what I think that they want and desire.

Being good and considerate is being who I think that others want me to be, so that I gain their approval.

Being nice and considerate is doing what will please other people and not offend them.

Being considerate by considering other people allows me to become good, nice, kind, pleasing, humble, unselfish, appeasing, meek, and loving  with humility.

It also allows others to be bad, nasty, greedy, selfish, miserly, arrogant, assertive, wrathful, lustful and proud.

It is never possible to know what is beneficial for someone else and therefore impossible to correctly consider what is right for them.

Considering others will always rely on making assumptions that are subsequently proved to be right or wrong.

A consideration of another is a judgment.

When I am being considerate, I am making a judgment of what I believe is what someone else wants or doesn’t want.

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