Being Care-free

Being Care-free is having no need to be cared for, and having no need to care for others.

It is being free of the emotional need to care for others and the emotional need for others to care for me.

Not caring and not being bothered are generally seen as negative attributes by those who need to care for others or need to be cared for by others.

In my ideal world, would I choose to bother other people or be bothered by other people.

I only bother other people when I need them emotionally to take care of me and protect me.

It bothers me when others need my emotional energy and need me to protect and care for them.

Being bothered is a toleration and disallows my ability to be care-free.

Stop bothering me, means leave me alone and free of your care because I can look after my Self.

A truly caring person shares their joy of love with another in a compassionate and empathic way.

A needy person shares their need for sympathy, care and protection.

Only when I truly care for my Self can I experience being Care-free.

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