Being Brave & Being Fearless

Being Brave is conquering fear.

I fight fire with fire and I fight fear with fear.

I conquer fear by fighting fear.

The harder I fight fear, the more power I give to it.

When I fight fear, I eventually lose.

I am fighting fear with my own will power.

Eventually the fear overcomes the will, no matter how brave I am.

Being Fearless is the way to confront fear without conflict.

When I confront fear without conflict, I overcome it and become fearless.

When I overcome all my fears, I become fear free.

Moving from fearful to fear free requires me to first become fearless.

Fear is a false belief that is blocking my way.

I overcome a fear by confronting it with my truth.

My True Self is empowered and my Truth has the power to overcome & dispel all fear.

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