Being Attached

I am attached to what I need emotionally.

I become very attached to someone who meets my emotional needs.

When I am aware of the emotional energy that I need from another person, I am sensitively-attached to that person and in my female negative energy.

When I am unaware of the emotional energy that I am receiving from another person, I am insensitively-attached to that person and in my male negative energy.

Being emotionally attached is a dependency. I depend on those to whom I am attached for my emotional energy.

Where there is a mutual attachment of two people meeting each others needs emotionally, a co-dependent relationship is created.

Personal development involves a process of becoming un-attached (Detached) yet still aware of other people’s energy (Sensitive).

When I become sensitively-detached from all others, I sever my dependency and become emotionally Independent.

In a state of being sensitively-detached and emotionally independent, I am free to exclusively connect to my True Source of Emotional Power.

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