Being Appreciated & Being Appreciating

Being Appreciated is an emotional need.

I need to be appreciated by other people for what I do for them or for what I give to them.

When other people appreciate what I do for them, they meet my need for emotional energy.

When other people do not appreciate what I do for them, it drains my emotional energy and demotivates me.

Being appreciated motivates me to do more things for other people.

Being Appreciating is a Divine Attribute.

When I am appreciating who I am Being, who I am appreciating (my emotional state of being), appreciates and grows.

When I am appreciating what I have in the present moment, what I currently have grows and appreciates in the future.

When I am appreciating of what I am doing, the benefits of what I am doing grow and appreciate for me.

When I am Being Appreciating, I am growing, and when I am growing, I am appreciating who I am growing into, and who I am growing into appreciates and grows.

Being Appreciating of others allows others to appreciate me.

When others appreciate me, I have no need to be appreciated, because I am.

When I know that I am appreciated, I have the power to be appreciating of my Self.

My Soul is always in Appreciation of its Self.

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