Being Accepting & Acceptance

Acceptance is attaining the attribute of being Accepting.

Being Accepting is not the same as doing accepting.

Accepting is what I do when I receive something.

It may be given by another or it may just occur in my presence.

I always have choice.

When I receive something with gratitude and appreciation, I get the opportunity that is present and I recieve it acceptingly.

I am being accepting of what is occurring.

When I receive something that I think I do not want it is a problem, which I accept as a problem and I am accepting the problem.

Accepting the problem is what I am doing, being tolerant is who I am being.

I am tolerating the problem that is occurring because all problems are a toleration.

When I endure a problem, I am being tolerant, I am not being Accepting.

When I accept a problem, I have not attained acceptance.

Attaining Acceptance requires me to be problem-free and tolerating nothing.

I attain Acceptance when I am being Accepting of whatever occurs in my Life because I see it as an opportunity for growth and I accept that opportunity for my Self.

The distinction is not between Being Accepting and Acceptance, one is the attribute that allows the attainment, but between doing accepting and Being Accepting.

When there is a distinction between what I am doing and who I am being, I am out of alignment with my Soul.

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