Being A Teacher

Being a Teacher is not teaching others.

Teaching others is what teachers purport to do.

Being a Teacher is a state of Being not an act of teaching.

The act of teaching is carried out by one who is acting as a teacher.

Being a Teacher is the 3rd Way between the duality of Master & Student.

Teaching people by giving them knowledge may overcome their ignorance but it will never connect them to their own True Path.

The master who has the knowledge may teach it to the student who is ignorant of that knowledge, but that is just making the student a slave of that master’s knowledge.

Knowledge of One’s Own Path is innate. It cannot be taught by another.

Being a Teacher is being connected to one’s own innate wisdom and instinctive intuition.

The Teacher is the one who has learned their own path in life.

In the presence of a True Teacher, all are inspired and empowered to learn and to follow their own path in life.

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