Being A Creator

Being a Creator is being creative.

A Creator that is not being creative is not creating anything.

The Creator of my world is my Self.

When I am not being creative in my world, nothing new is being created and everything remains the same.

Creativity is the vehicle through which change occurs.

Creatively changing and creating change is how I expand my world and my reality.

When I am not changing anything in my life, I am forsaking my creative ability.

My creative ability has infinite potential.

The potential of my creative ability is the product of the force of my authority to choose multiplied by the magnitude of my power to realise that choice.

When I realise that I am the sole creator of my world and that the sole creator of my world is my Soul, then I realise that I have the potential power and authority to create the world of my dreams.

I just have to align my creative choices with the power and authority of my Soul.

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