Being 4 Dimensional

The greatest challenge of a 3 dimensional world is to personally develop and grow to become a 4 dimensional Being.

I connect to my Supra-Conscious Mind when my sub-conscious, super-conscious & conscious minds become of one Mind.

I become Spiritual when my physical, mental & emotional ‘bodies’ come into harmony and balance.

I experience the ‘Fire’ in my Life when the elements of earth, air & water become my nature.

I discover my true Psyche when my soma, pneuma & nous are united as one.

I explore my true Strength when my heart, soul & mind are in unison as the one Son of Man.

I find the Divinity that I seek when my Trinity comes into Holy Communion with the father, son & holy ghost.

My 4 Dimensional Beingness is the Holy Communion that is the Strength of my Psyche and the Fire of the Spirit of my Supra-Conscious Self.

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