
True Beauty is:

  • An Energy.
  • An Aspect of Love.
  • A feeling from the heart of the beholder

True Beauty has no ugliness.

Physical beauty is the illusion of something not appearing to be ugly.

All physical matter is inherently ugly because by definition it has a low energy vibration.

Lowering its vibration is how energy manifests as physical matter.

Although the process of creation is truly beautiful, the result is often very ugly.

Everything that God has created is Beautiful.

Everything that Man creates has a degree of ugliness.

All physical matter is relatively unattractive. Some is more unattractive than others and some is less unattractive than others.

What I am attracted to, I call beautiful.

What I am repulsed by, I call ugly and unattractive.

When I see the beauty in the ugliness and imperfection, it becomes perfectly beautiful.

I see physical beauty as an attractive sight.

I feel True Beauty as an aspect of Love from the heart of my Beingness.

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