Authorising the Client

The client is the author of their own life.

When writing the book of their own life, they are authorised.

We are all authorised to discover, explore and experience our own path through life. It is why we are here.

When connecting the client to their true path in life, I am connecting them to their own authority.

It is not necessary to authorise a client who is on track and knows their way.

When a client is off track, lost, confused and frustrated, it is because they are following the wrong path and travelling in the wrong direction.

I am directed on a limited path by my limiting beliefs and my fears.

A limiting belief is a belief that I do not own.

Authorising the client to own their own beliefs and change their limiting beliefs is the task of the coach.

Supporting the client to confront the fears that block the way to their true path is the task of the coach.

Without limiting beliefs and without fear, the client is authorised and able to choose their own chosen path in life effortlessly.


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