Authenticity & Integrity

Authenticity is choosing with Authority.

Integrity is being in my Power.

When my authenticity is authentic, it comes from my true authority.

When my integrity is in integrity, it connects me to my true power.

My authenticity is authentic when it is in alignment with my Soul.

When my authority is in alignment with my Soul, I connect to my true power.

When I connect to my true power, I am in integrity.

Authentic means: “In alignment with my Book of Life”, of which I am the Author.

Integrity means whole and undivided.

My ego Self may have the dignity of conforming to the standards of my personal beliefs and principles, but I will only be in integrity when I am undivided from my authentic state of Being.

My dignity is a matter of my personality and character.

My Authenticity & Integrity are my True Identity, who I really am.

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