
Attestment is attained through worship.

I worship the power that I attest to be.

Worshipping an entity outside of my Self is disconnecting & disempowering.

Worship is my connection to my power within.

I connect to my power within when I worship my own state of Being.

I attest to who I am through worship.

Worship is not an action, it is a feeling.

I feel my emotional power through worship.

I worship the power of my own empowered being.

Being empowered is a divine attainment.

All divine attributes & attainments empower my Self.

When I attest to being the highest aspect of my Self expressed, I am empowered.

I worship the feeling of being empowered.

I soak in the power of my worship.

The highest form of worship is the feeling of joy.

With the wealth of joy, I attest my grace.

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