Attention, Attention, Attention

To achieve an aim or goal in this physical world requires my intention, my attention and my action.

It requires:

  • My intention, the aim or goal that I want to achieve. or where I want to be.
  • My attention to where I am right now.
  • My action plan as to how my intention will be achieved or how I am going to get there.

To attain my Vision for my life requires: Attention, Attention, Attention.

  • My Attention to the image of my Ideal World.
  • My Attention to what is already ideal in my world.
  • My Attention to whatever is offering resistance to my Ideal World becoming a realisation and manifesting as a reality.

When I attend to the image of my Ideal World, I can see my Vision for this Life-time.

When I attend to placing my focus on the positive attainments, attributes and qualities that already exist in my reality, I allow more of the same to materialise into my future.

When I attend to no longer giving another thought to the fears, limiting beliefs, dramas and attachments in my life, I allow them to disappear from my reality.

When I pay attention to the thoughts that are creating my World and retain only the thoughts that are Ideal, my attention will repay me handsomely.

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