Attaining Success

Success is an Attainment.

When I attain success, I know that I am successful.

I am full of success once I attain success and there is no time when I am not successful.

Once I attain Success, failure is no longer an option.

When I need success, I do not have success.

When I do not have success, failure is apparent.

Fear of failure creates the need to succeed.

Success and failure are a duality of physical life.

To attain Success I am required to overcome the duality of success & failure.

Once I have overcome the duality of success & failure, I have succeeded my failure and I have attained Success.

My Soul knows only Success and has no concept of failure.

Failure is just a personal perspective of my ego Self.

My Soul sees no failure in my Self.

When my Self sees no failure in its Self, it succeeds in becoming its Soul.

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