Attaining Humanality

Humanality is an attainment.

I attain humanality when I can consciously choose my own ideal and divine states of being.

As my choice of divine states of being develops & grows, my divinity expands and the quality of my Beingness improves.

Choosing a less than divine state of being is an expression of my inhumanity and my sub-human thinking.

Sub-human thinking is a process of my sub-conscious mind.

My sub-conscious perspective of life allows me to get underneath my understanding of what it is to be human.

I explore my humanity by being allowed to be less than human.

It is only by standing outside or underneath my humanity that I fully understand what it is to be Human.

I am learning how to be human through my experience of being less than human.

I can only fully appreciate the divinity of my humanility by experiencing the quality, or the lack of quality, of my choice of sub-conscious attributes & attainments that comprise my personal humanality.



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